
diverse natural attractions and a Summer season all year round.


Northern coast of South America

Capital City


Population (2017)

31.98 million

Venezuela is divided into 23 states (estados), a capital district (distrito capital) corresponding to the city of Caracas, and the Federal Dependencies (Dependencias Federales, a special territory). Venezuela is further subdivided into 335 municipalities (municipios); these are subdivided into over one thousand parishes (parroquias). The states are grouped into nine administrative regions (regiones administrativas), which were established in 1969 by presidential decree.

Capital City: Caracas

Location: On the northern coast of South America

Population: 31.98 million (2017)

Official language: Spanish.


Facts and landscape

The country has extremely high biodiversity and is ranked seventh in the world’s list of nations with the most number of species. There are habitats ranging from the Andes Mountains in the west to the Amazon basin rain-forest in the south via extensive llanos plains, the Caribbean coast and the Orinoco River Delta in the east.Also in Falcon there is a desert call Los Medanos de Coro only three hours away from Caracas.

Venezuela has a very beautiful landscape, good weather, and delicious food. The people are very friendly.

Margarita Island, Los Roques and many other places are very unique! Beautiful beaches, relaxing atmosphere, and ultimate yoga destination.

AREA 916000 SQ KM.

GDD: $310 Billion (purchasing power).

GDP: $87 Billion (selling Power).

DRIVING: Right Side.

Monetary: Bolivar.


Ethnic groups and Languages

Venezuela is home to approximately 31,980,000 inhabitants. In it, Amerindian groups coexist and have left their inheritance, Africans, Asians and the MiddleEast, as a result of the mixture and cultural influence of Spaniards, Italians, Portuguese, Africans, Asians and Arabs.

The most important beside Spanish (whuch is the official language of the country) are Chinese (400,000), Portuguese (254,000), Italian (200,000), Arabic(110,000), German (20,000) and English (20,000).
Some people who live next to the border of Brazil speak Portuguese. In the areas located near to Guyana English language is used by some inhabitants, especially on Ankoko Island. Colonia Tovar dialect, a dialect of German language, is spoken in the Colonia Tovar.


Islam  and Religions

Margarita Island in particular is home to a sizeable Arab  Muslim community. The local cable television outlets telecast channels like al-Jazeera; LBC Sat, a Lebanese channel; and more recently, MBC and ART, two Saudi Arabian channels.

There are approximately 100,000 Muslims in Venezuela which make up 0.4 percent of the nation’s population. Venezuela has a small but influential Muslim population. Many of them are Arabs of Lebanese, Palestinian, Syrian descent and Turkish.

Women wearing hijab generally work as tel operators. On most shop counters, Quranic verses are on display.  Muslims here are mainly involved in retail businesses as well
as banks and travel agencies.

80% of the population are Christians.

2% of the population are Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Judaism.

Practitioners of religions with pre-Hispanic roots represent another 2% of the population.

Atheists are 2% of Venezuelans.

Agnostics are 6% of the population.

The capital city Caracas has a Muslim population of 15,000.