Millones de canadienses tienen familiares fuera de Canadá a quienes les gustaría visitar a sus parientes y explorar Canadá. A otros les gustaría estudiar en Canadá porque tiene uno de los mejores sistemas educativos del mundo. Cada año, Canadá  recibe  a más de 135 000 estudiantes extranjeros. La mayoría de ellos trabajan después de la graduación bajo el programa de Permiso de trabajo de posgrado (PGWP). Por otro lado, los trabajadores extranjeros temporales que deseen trabajar por temporada o a largo plazo, deberán solicitar un permiso de trabajo y con gusto lo ayudaremos si tiene un empleador calificado. En cuanto a la visa de negocios, es únicamente por la razón de hacer negocios en Canadá.

Tipos de visas canadienses

Visa de extranjero

Tan simple como crees que es, como simplemente presentar una solicitud y recibir una decisión en unas pocas semanas

As simple as you think it is, like just applying and receiving a decision within few weeks, as hard it is to convince an immigration officer that you will be returning home after your visit.

We helped people from different countries to obtain a visit visa to Canada. They thought it is impossible, but we proved the opposite. We will inform you of the percentage of success beforehand. If we feel that your case has no chance, we will not waste your money and our time, yet we will recommend a different path or we will advise of how to increase your chances.

For more information please contact us.

Visas de estudiante

Los estudiantes internacionales pueden elegir este camino para regresar a su país y beneficiar a su gente….

International students can choose this path in a way to return to their country and benefit their people from their skills, or they might choose to gain work experience in Canada after graduation and apply for permanent residency. It is a lengthy application but a straight-forward process. Age, language, and financial situation are a key success to your application. We will recommend best program for you, and help you from start to finish…

Education is a provincial responsibility under the Canadian constitution, which means there are significant differences between the education systems of the different provinces.

Important: International students may work off-campus by applying to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) for Off Campus Work Permit.

In order to be eligible for an Off-CampusWork Permit, students must:

  • Hold a valid Study Permit;
  • Be studying at an institution that participates in this program. ( Students registered in English or French as a Second Language Programs at participating institutions are not eligible for Off-Campus Work Permits.) A list of participating institutions can be found at
  • Remain in satisfactory academic standing as determined by their institution;
  • Have been studying full time for at least six months out of the year preceding their application for an Off-Campus Work Permit;
  • Sign a form authorizing their academic institution and the province in which they are studying to release information to Citizenship and Immigration Canada, for the purposes of confirming their eligibility for an Off-Campus Work Permit.


Permisos de trabajo de posgrado

Los estudiantes pueden recibir un permiso de trabajo de posgrado de hasta tres años que les permite obtener los conocimientos necesarios

Students can receive up to a three-year post-graduate Work Permit which allows them to attain the necessary experience to qualify and apply for permanent residence in Canada. The post-graduate work cannot be longer than the period of study. Students must have studied full time for the eight (8) months preceding the completion of their program of studies. The student must graduate from a qualifying school:

A public post-secondary institution, such as a college, university or CEGEP (in Quebec), or a private post-secondary institution that operates under the same rules and regulations as a public one and receives at least 50% of its financing for its overall operations from government grants (currently only private college-level educational institutions in Quebec qualify), or;

A Canadian private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees. You must apply for a Work Permit within 90 days of receiving written confirmation (for example, a transcript or an official letter) from your institution indicating that you have met the requirements for completing your academic program.

International Students

Foreign students with at least 12 months studying or working experience in Canada can qualify for permanent residence if they obtain at least 67 points.

Internship Work Permits for Work-Study Co-op Programs

Students can participate in a co-op work placement program if it is “an integral component of their program of study.” Co-op work terms cannot constitute more than 50% of the intended program of study.